Grade level: Kindergartener and above.

Pricing: Please contact us. 


Photography offers an excellent range of exciting and valuable learning experiences. We have the perfect course for teaching young beginner photographers how to use a camera properly. We will learn basic photography skills and history to take a better photo all while being creative. Children will be excited to learn how to capture memories and moments that will last a lifetime.

Overall, this course will teach new creative skills boosting self esteem, improving planning and coordinating, and implementing presentational skills to show our beautiful work learned in class. Because photography has no limits, students can be creative and imaginative in showing their work for all to see and enjoy. Each class brings new opportunities for them to be innovative and have fun.

"Photography is an art of observation. It has little to do with the things you see, and everything to do with how you see them.”

- Elliot Erwitt


Developmental and educational advantages

Digital literacy

Learning on mistakes

Develop cognitive abilities


160 NW Gilman Blvd, Issaquah

WA 98027

(425) 677 5114

Young Whiz. All Rights Reserved.